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 Husain Alrubaidy

Husain Alrubaidy
General Practitioner
Al Bayda
friday -
From : 01 AM To: 01 AM
حسين قاسم
[email protected]
حسين الربيدي
حسين الربيدي
* Attendance of internship year in the following hospitals ( AlThawra, AlKweet,an AlSabeen hospitals )
* Attendance of training program of medical student for three years in public hospitals
* Evaluation of patients status and follow up in wards of public hospitals as AlThawra and
AlKweet Hospitals
* Attendance in emergency room of AlThawra Hospital
* Graduation project about knowledge and Attitude Towards AIDS Among Male Students In Sana’a University, Yemen
* skills of therapeutic nutrition , Itraff organization
* Attendance in pediatric and nutrition department of AlSabeen hospital
* Participated in Vaccination campaigns and as neutral observer by WHO to evaluate polio
and measles vaccines campaign distribution .
* Medical doctor in duties, several hospitals , Sana'a city.
* Medical doctor , ADRA organization , AlJawf city .
* Attendance of cMAM , ADRA organization .
* Case managment and referral to high facility , ADRA organization .
* Medical doctor , Alhayat hospital .
* Member of Yemeni Doctor's Association

Monday 4 June 2018 5:58 am | Hits : 4013

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