Kufa International Conference on Surgery Ear Nose and Throat
Kufa International Conference on Surgery Ear Nose and Throat

Scientific Almubdaa company in Kufa International Conference on Surgery Ear Nose and Throat..

Scientific Almubdaa company participated in the International Conference of Kufa surgery Ear Nose and Throat, which was held at the Faculty of Medicine / University of Kufa.

Scientific and Almubdaa company made a number of devices for doctors Ear Nose and Throat of various global origins, which attracted significant interest from attendees under the Special Deals offered by the company in addition to the services that do not expire until the post-processing.

This saw a gathering of doctors from a number of countries in the world in addition to the large constellation of the finest doctors in Iraq.

He visited Dr. Hani punitive MP (Vice Chairman of the Health Committee in the Iraqi Parliament) suite of scientific Almubdaa company.


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